Welcome to Laxmitripti & Associates
Laxmi Tripti & AssociatesLaxmi Tripti & AssociatesLaxmi Tripti & Associates
+91 9425834567
Padamnabhpur, Durg
Laxmi Tripti & AssociatesLaxmi Tripti & AssociatesLaxmi Tripti & Associates

Financial Services

We give the Financial Services

Finance is the blood for any organization. We provide varied types of services through which we can make the enterprise avail funds necessary for running the business, setting up a project and expand the business.

We advise the client on the loan facility that can be availed as per The Banking Norms, by helping them prepare the financial models for the project. This involves forecasting revenues, studying the project requirements, considering the inherent industry risks involved, and giving financial advisory services after studying the creditworthiness of the loan seeking entity and determining the exact requirement of the project. After analyzing all the issues we assist in compiling of necessary documents that for the loan process and preparation of project (Technical and Financial) Feasibility Report. We thence help in sourcing of funds from various sources and provide assistance in facilitating loans, apt rate of interest so that the entire process is accelerated with financial benefit to the client.

IPO related Services
Subsidy Consultancy
Retail Finance
Project Finance ( Fund based & Non-fund based)
Corporate Finance
Financial Accounting
Financial Controls
Advisory Services


  • 2/9, Shireen Complex, B.D.A Colony, Koh-E-Fiza, Bhopal
  • +0755 427 8923
    +91 9425 834 567
  • laxmitripti@gmail.com


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